Kesher (Connections)
12 Days, Two Weeks, or Three Weeks for 8th, 9th and 10th Graders
A program just for our high school campers, Kesher brings together everyone currently in 8th, 9th and 10th grade. We offer 12 day, 2 week, and 3 week sessions for this age group because we know that these campers have many summer commitments. The depth of learning, fun, and community building that happens in Kesher ensures that your Jewish teen will have the time of their life!
Kesher chugim will run independently of our other units, allowing our high school students to build skills appropriate to their age and interests. In addition, Aleph Kesher campers will participate in a one day off camp trip, Bet Kesher campers will participate in a two night off camp trip, and Gimmel Kesher campers will participate in a one day, one night off camp trip.
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